You’re Not The Boss Of Me

Have you ever had the experience of meeting someone and communication just flows? You understand each other without efforts? The conversation brings you new insights, you feel supported, encouraged and, in turn, you support and encourage. Your ideas are valued and recognised.

And have you ever had the exact opposite experience? No matter what you say or do, no matter how much efforts you make, you seem to be misunderstood, misread, belittled, denigrated, underestimated or even controlled, and very frustrated.

Communication Between Planets

Remember the theatre play: some characters have a natural empathy for each other, they inherently understand and support each other. And some characters just don’t. It’s the same for planets.

How do you know whether 2 planets have smooth or challenging connection? Look at the aspects (the lines connecting the planets inside the inner circle).

By the way, notice that we talk about “smooth” or “challenging” communication, not “good or bad”. Nothing in an astro chart is good or bad per se. Sometimes challenging communication leads to the deepest insights and achievements. So try to use a descriptive language rather than judge.

Most astro charts will have some kind of ways to differentiate. In the example above (and many softwares will use this convention), blue means smooth and red means challenging.

How do you determine whether the line is red or blue? It has to do with the elements of the signs the planets are in. Some elements just have an innate friendliness, some don’t.

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